Arizona Insect Festival

Insect Festival logo
You’re invited to the 12th annual Insect Fest.  
Sunday October 6th, 2024, 10AM to 2 PM

The University of Arizona’s Department of Entomology hosts this unique Festival to encourage understanding of our local insects. During this free, single-day festival each Fall, thousands of visitors engage in interactive exhibits and learn about insects and the insect-based research taking place at the UA and beyond! ENR2 is just west of the 6th Street Parking Garage. Between the garage and ENR2 there will be food trucks.

Western horse lubber grasshopper

This year’s theme insect is the ubiquitous and friendly horse lubber, Taeniopoda eques. Its bold shiny black with neon coloration warns predators of its toxicity, allowing this grasshopper to munch on its favorite plants unmolested. It is the largest grasshopper in the United States, being found across the southwest and Mexico. Its name comes from the term ‘land lubber’ since they rarely fly.

For more information:  https://www.arizonainsectfes